
Sunday, April 26, 2009

Deep sigh of contentment

It's insane how good it feels to be home. Traveling for fun builds me up, but work is work. By the time I reached my home airport and was waiting for my luggage I felt like commanding everyone to shut up! I'm definitely not a people-person. I have some bizarre thoughts when I reach that stage of crankiness/exhaustion...I stood there watching all these people thinking what a boring color-palette we come in...all shades of browns and beiges. Red, blue, green, stripes would be so much more interesting.

The animals are happy to have me back, though their feed schedules are all out of whack. The guinea pigs seem to expect food at completely random times.

Three inches of SNOW on Friday night and rain last night are keeping me well away from the mud zones that will be my garden. The spinach is coming up nicely in the polytunnel and the rhubarb and garlic were unfazed by the snow. Seedlings in the basement are doing very well; the timer on the lights didn't let me down.

I think I'll lie down for a bit, the idea of going to work tomorrow is nearly overwhelming, so more recovery is needed.

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