
Wednesday, November 27, 2019

White on white

Yes, the snow has returned. We had the first of two storms coming this week. The drive home last night from work at 11 pm was dreadful. Frustrating because it would have been fine if the plows had kept working but they had stopped hours earlier.

This morning I'm working on the driveway. I'm determined to keep it clear this winter so I don't have a repeat of last year's packed tire tracks that made it unusable. 2/3 scooped and no heart attack yet!

I had two opossums in the chicken coop last weekend. If this keeps up I'll have a mound of dead rodents. They had been stealing eggs and killed one hen.

No pictures because snow is not pretty when it's the enemy.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Spice Shelf Time Capsule

There are very few spices I use enough to need replacing regularly: salt, pepper, cinnamon, cloves...that's about it because I don't cook much. I ran out of garlic salt recently and grabbed a replacement from Costco. It was awful! Harsh flavor that didn't agree with me at all, I spent an evening regretting the tiny sprinkle I used on spaghetti.

So, thinking I might just order more of the same brand I had before, I looked online. Apparently, Schillings hasn't been sold since 2002! Which raises the question of just how old my little container was? I will buy some McCormick's brand since they bought out Schillings and hope for the best. I've already told my son he can help himself to whichever spices he wants when he moves out; it only makes sense as he's already a better cook.

Other than that, my cold has moved into my lungs bringing about some coughing. Bleah, I am so ready for this to be over.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Mixed Review

In one way it was a great weekend...I had it off! Even better, the last warm day was Saturday so I could putter around outside. I also had the last load of firewood delivered. For the first time I chose to pay to have it stacked; I knew I couldn't get it done before it got dark and the forecast was grim.

This is really for next year's winter/emergency supply and it makes a nice fence between our yards.

Sunday gets negative reviews because the temps plummeted and I came down with a nasty cold. Grumble, grumble. One thing I did was go spelunking in my son's closet looking for the missing Legos. I didn't find them, but the layers dug out were fascinating. I even found the hair clipper set I was searching for last winter!

Today, Monday, we can only hope for a high of 16F with wind chills below zero. When I was doing chores I noticed something strange about the roof of my house. Went down to the basement to discover my furnace had kicked on...I guess smoke coming from the other chimney isn't so strange after all.

Local birds are thrilled I filled the feeders. There was even a woodpecker visiting this morning.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019


Today I head back to work...yippee...;) It was wonderful having those four days off even though it rained on two of them. I finally got some of the little chores done that I had put off, like bringing in the last garden hose before it froze solid (and split) and emptying the rain barrel. I also spent some quality time with my parents and a good friend.

I was just reading a BBC article with this line "Risks of adverse health effects arise when indoor temperature drops below 19C, with serious health risks occurring below 16C, it says." Out of curiosity I looked those temps up in our terms: 66F and 60F. I would be very interested to learn what these serious health risks are since my house frequents drops into the 50s. Granted, I usually put on an extra layer and when sitting have a cat or two acting as lapwarmers, but it isn't a hardship by any means.

Recently, I bought myself a treat, a box of assorted Lego pieces. I have had SO much fun sorting them by size and shape that I got out my son's Legos to play with too. Not only do I enjoy them, but it brings back happy memories of getting down on the floor and building with him all those years ago.