Other little news items...I've lost 14 pounds - 1 stone exactly! It's not fast, it took me two months, but it's gone and I'm very happy. Funnily enough, the very healthy foods I'm learning to cook and enjoy are both 'green' and sustainable. Many vegetables can be grown well in my climate. That is, if spring ever arrives fully so I can get the garden started!
Now, for any cooks out there: HELP!!! One of the items I added to my 'super soup' was a can of southern style bean salad. I know there was corn and black beans, but it was something I tried on a whim so never really paid attention to the brand or ingredients and now I'm out and it's disappeared off the grocery shelf. I tried making the soup without it but it's definitely missing that special zing so any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
I've just been doing a price comparison between a bulk buy site (25 lb bags) and my grocery store (1 lb bags) for dried beans. Even adding in 6% sales tax the store is far less costly.
Someone on my diet forum was excited about fitting into her tube top again. When I read that I wanted to scream in horror...weren't those vile things outlawed by the International Fashion Police? Honestly, women who are dieting generally need (require) a supportive bra and that's the one thing that can't be worn with a tube top. Shudder.
My brother's partner was in town last week on business and I had a blast hanging out with him for an evening. I wish they lived closer.
I ordered 2 dozen reusable canning lids and extra rubber rings. My son looked at the boxes and said 'I think you should order more.' And I thought I was a pessimist!