
Sunday, April 15, 2012

Growing well

Wing feathers are coming in and it's fun seeing the different colors develop. Zen Chicky, the one of the far right, is still the bravest. I hope it's a hen!

It has been a cloudy, wet weekend, but the storms went south and there was no damage locally. Finally the rain barrels are full!

The chicks I ordered for the farm were supposed to come next week. Little did I know the hatchery would ship them on a Saturday morning! Knowing they are stuck in a box inside a post office waiting for the Monday truck has left me with nothing but contempt for the timing of a company that has had decades of experience dealing with the postal service. We shall see if they respond to my email on the subject.

1 comment:

Tanya. said...

The chicks are looking very healthy....I do love the marking on 'Zen Chicky'!!!

I really hope your chicks are ok when you get them...let us know if you get an e-mail response and what it is!!