
Sunday, May 8, 2011

So close...

Last night my neighbor tilled my big garden space. I asked the favor because I think everything will do better with the increased depth of the tilth and he has access to a tractor pulled tiller. So, there I was all set to get out and planting and what do I discover this morning? Rain! And wind! Grumble, grumble...

At least yesterday was nice with sunshine and calm all day. In the morning I took part in a Breast Cancer Awareness walk and the afternoon was spent celebrating my niece's graduation from college. I also got to hang out a load of laundry instead of line-drying it in the basement. I always forget the glorious smell of clothes dried in the sun. Lovely.

1 comment:

Tanya. said...

Nothing in the world beats the wonderful smell of freshly brought in laundry!!

Hope the weather soon picks up so you can get in the garden!!