
Thursday, May 31, 2018


I'm in a complaining mood and the fact that it's a day off work makes that even more unpleasant. Something I've noticed is that menopausal hot flashes come in waves; not that big of a deal in the winter, but definitely an issue in the summertime.

Today is in the 80s. Lots of sunshine, should be a fine day. Instead, I'm stuck sitting in front of a fan and still on the edge of being uncomfortable. Going outside feels like walking into an oven.

Added to that is my taking a tumble yesterday and wrenching both knees. Not debilitating, but sore enough to make movement cautious.

All of that means the to-do list for today is almost entirely untouched. I did dig out the live trap to set up and hopefully catch the possum hanging around. And I made a loaf of bread. That's all for the entire day! (Susan would be so ashamed of me.)

Back to work tomorrow. Sigh.


Mama Pea said...

Some days just aren't good for anything BUT grumping! Good to get it out here on your blog. If I had made a loaf of bread today, I would feel like I'd accomplished something wonderful!

Sure hope your knees are all better tomorrow. Knee problems can slow a gal up. Considerably.

Susan said...

I am not! :) Firstly, I am (thank the goddess) finally past the worst of hot flashes, but they were recent enough to still be a painful memory. Why, oh, why are we burdened with this sh**? Secondly, watch those knees! Thirdly, surprisingly, all that stuff on your to-do list will still be there when you're up and able. Isn't that wonderful? No? I hate to say that I caught a baby opossum in a live trap and it was so cute I let it loose. I am sure that the Yeti-sized opossum spotted by a neighbor, crossing my yard, is one and the same infant. They do NOT hold their cute-appeal as adults. Keep off those knees until you are sure they are steady.

tpals said...

Lol. I knew beginning gardener friends who were FEEDING baby rabbits. I had a fit.

Knees only hurt on the stairs now; getting better.

LeAnna Carson-Hansen said...

Google back and knee exercises! Wear knee guards when you are at the job at the garden center. Drink lots of water and read up on the menopause. Yep, it can be difficult. Appreciate your efforts in the story writing. You are truly a gifted writer dear lady!