
Sunday, October 14, 2018

Well, really

Carrying on with the weather theme: I'm not sure how we were supposed to translate the forecast for 20% chance of rain last night into the reality of two inches of heavy, wet snow on the ground.

Anyway, knowing yesterday was likely to be the only decent day (temps in the low 50s) I'd have off work, I had a list of things I wanted to do outside. I got through everything on the list except for emptying the rain barrel. Including, funnily, clearing the garage so I could park my car inside...which I didn't bother moving and is now draped in snow.

The chore I'm happiest to have done was heaving 300 lbs of chicken feed over the fence and put away. Normally, they charge out of the coop in the morning in a race to find yummies; today I could imagine the dialogue in their little bird brains when they saw the snow, "Aw, hell no!" And they stayed inside.

Knowing today would be colder, I planned out a day of baking. Breadsticks, zucchini bread and maybe some brownies are in the offing.


Mama Pea said...

Yep, 'tis the time of year when no matter what the forecast, we can't count on what we'll get. We've been having light snow flurries but, so far, nothing has accumulated on the ground. But it is coming, it is coming! We've had our quota of gray, drippy day though, that's for sure. Still a little bit to do in the garden but it's pretty wet right now.

Susan said...

I had to laugh - clearing out my carport so I can park in it, is also on my list. While we are getting rain every other day, with evening temps in the low 30s, we haven't gotten snow yet. I sure hope I did not just jinx myself. I really can't wait to get everything buttoned up so I can just park my behind inside and sit out the winter. Right.

Leigh said...

Yikes! You've got snow already! Oh dear. I've got to get the rest of the garden in. I also need to figure out where I left off on your "Errant Thoughts Story." I've been enjoying it very much (even if I haven't had much computer time lately.