
Monday, April 26, 2010


Mondays can really suck the life force right out of you. I came home from work and took a nap. Of course, now when I should be sleeping I'm awake. Next logical step? Get a head start on tomorrow's work so I can sleep in! :)

There is a certain madness to my choices.

One of the guys at work has a daughter graduating next month. To prepare he is finishing his garage: drywall, paint and new shelving. Me? I'm just cleaning my house!

In a brief spell between showers I peeked at the garden; the onion sets are up and going strong and I saw one little bunch of potato leaves emerging. The challenge will be staying on top of the weeds that will also greet the rain with a growth spurt.

1 comment:

allotments4you said...

sounds like the garden is doing good...I think my potatoes may never appear!!