
Friday, November 27, 2020

Surviving Turkey Day

 Since Turkey managed to survive her national holiday, I've given her a proper name. Meet Hyacinth.

Her wings make this loud swoosh noise when she flies up to her branch in the evening.

In other bird news, I filled the bird feeders again and when the sparrows were swarming them, I spotted a finch who still had a lot of his red colors. I also saw a flock of geese heading south; incredibly late in the season for them.


Susan said...

I love that name! The geese are late here, as well. But I can't blame them since the weather has not been fall-like at all. I've noticed that the goldfinches are transitioning into their less-brilliant winter feathers. I am looking forward to feeding the birds - once I am sure that the bears have started hibernating!

Mama Pea said...

Hello, Hyacinth, you lucky bird!

thecrazysheeplady said...

Welcome Hyacinth :-).

Hey, tpal, can you shoot me an email at thecrazysheeplady AT gmail DOT com please?